User Experience:

Shelter Insurance iOS App

  • Please note: This is currently waiting for approval from the app store
  • First project where I was able to start usability testing at the very beginning of development and continue until the end
  • Prepared testing script and test plan
  • Set up equipment to record tests
  • Moderated users during usability tests
  • Compiled notes from recordings of usability tests into spreadsheet to prioritize necessary changes
  • Worked with iOS developer to implement changes based off of testing results
  • Worked with iOS developer on UX Design and front-end design

Shelter Insurance Auto eCommerce

  • First UX Specialist in this department.
  • Currently performing a form audit to find unnecessary questions and information requests.
  • Form does not currently have a flow. Gearing up for field studies with agents to watch them use the application. Nobody knows how they use it.


  • Created high-fidelity prototypes for five user flows yet to be implemented. Links to these are available upon request.
  • Gathered requirements for flows.
  • Customized pre-existing design template to work with the CMS used at Shelter Insurance

Shelter Insurance Policy Change

  • Please note: This is only accessible by Shelter Insurance clients
  • Focused on UX Design. Tried to design the flow of a complex task with moderate technological constraints to cause the least confusion for customers.
  • Assisted in requirements gathering.
  • Currently waiting for the next round of usability testing.

Shelter Insurance Customer Service Intranet Site

  • Please note: This is only accessible by Shelter Insurance employees
  • Gathered requirements.
  • Their old site had a lot of content that was dead or very spread out. Conducted a card sort to help with information architecture.
  • This is site currently near completion and waiting on a round of usability testing.


Shelter Insurance Agent Pages

  • Wireframe testing on three different wireframes
  • Prepared testing script and test plan
  • Set up equipment to record tests
  • Moderated users during usability tests
  • Chose design based off of testing results and worked with developer to implement


  • Iterated with coworker on redesign using high fidelity protoypes
  • Chose usability test participants
  • Set up equipment, observing and recording findings of usability tests
  • Implemented usability test findings into design


  • Redesigned using high fidelity protoypes
  • Chose usability test participants
  • Set up equipment, observing and recording findings of usability tests
  • Implemented usability test findings into design

Shelter Insurance Mobile Bill Pay

  • Please note: This is only accessible by Shelter Insurance clients
  • Iterated with coworker on redesign using high fidelity protoypes
  • Prepared testing script and test plan
  • Set up equipment to record tests
  • Moderated users during usability tests
  • Compiled notes from recordings of usability tests into spreadsheet to prioritize necessary changes
  • Implemented usability test findings into design

Shelter Insurance Change Coverages Flow

  • Please note: This is only accessible by Shelter Insurance clients
  • Iterated with coworker on redesign using high fidelity protoypes
  • Prepared testing script and test plan
  • Set up equipment to record tests
  • Moderated users during usability tests
  • Compiled notes from recordings of usability tests into spreadsheet to prioritize necessary changes
  • Implemented usability test findings into design

Web Development:


  • Design and redesign based off of usability testing, wireframes and prototypes
  • Backend user training
  • CMS admin
  • Communicate with developers to ensure website functions properly

Shelter Insurance Social Media Content Library

  • Please note: At this time this is only available to Shelter Insurance agents
  • Designed based off of prototypes and iteration
  • Backend user training


  • Designed, redesigned and maintained site using iteration, wireframes and prototypes
  • Trained backend users
  • Troubleshot and resolved visitor complaints
  • CMS admin


  • Maintained and designed from iteration, wirefrimes and prototypes
  • Trained backend user
  • Assisted with content management
  • Troubleshot and resolved user issues